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  • Coral

2019: The Year of Living Coral

Welcome to the newly revamped Coral's Country site!

I've only edited and changed and drafted and saved and redrafted and re-saved this approximately eight hundred and sixty-seven times in the last 20 minutes. And I loved every effing second of it. Not.

The truth is, I don't where to begin. I want to write, heck I do write, but I'm hesitant to share. Fear plays a factor, but laziness to my craft is the main culprit. I have no one to blame but the freckle-faced ginger staring back at me. She's a real piece of work, I tell ya.

I do things. I like to write about said things and share them. Always real, always random and always meant to radiate positive shit into the universe (both online and in real time). It's been a hot minute, but I'm setting my intentions on manifesting this space into what I so clearly see it to be in my mind and connecting my thoughts between the visualization of my dreams and the actualization of making them my reality. Whew.

[page break, coffee refill]

Pantone announced the color of the year for 2019 and I legit lost my shit. Basically, they chose me. Living Coral. L I V I N G C O R AL, you guys. What are the odds?! I couldn't have a picked a better mantra/manifestation/mood for the year even if I tried. After being weighed down by loss in 2018, it was time to lighten the load of life by living it in 2019.

I guess you could you say I'm already well on my way to living this year to it's fullest. We're only 21 days in and I've already spent over half of it away from home. 9 days in India, 2 days in Omaha - the world is my oyster! I'm really looking forward to showing you all the pics and telling you all the things.

It's going to be a journey. A long, painful, funny, random, exciting, crazy one. I'm gonna need some encouraging from time to time. Some support, some space and some love. I'm mainly doing this for me, but find joy in others finding joy in it. Ya dig?

Cheers to you, 2019!

To a fresh start, a clean slate and the year of living in coral-colored greatness.

- xo

Living, Coral

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