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I start each day with a cup of coffee, a blinking cursor and one-way ticket to anywhere.

Okay, so that only happened once. But I sure hope to make a habit of it.

My name is Coral (like the reef). I am a recently turned thirty-something creative/person extraordinaire

based in Des Moines, Iowa and often found elsewhere.

I find joy in radiating positive shit, doing something spontaneous, sipping on my third cup of coffee or binge-watching Friends for the 287th time. Road trips fuel my fire and doing things for fun light me up. I believe in laughter, lots of compliments and living life to the fullest. I'm a small town Iowa girl who's wandered the world - quite literally - for the past decade. And I've only just begun.

This is a space to share my stories, chronicle my adventures and post about life's trips, trials and triumphs. I aim to entertain, desire to inspire and hope that my journey

enlightens you with laughter along the way.

If you'd like to collaborate with me or just chat over coffee - let me know on Insta!

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