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  • Coral


Slow, quiet mornings are my new favorite thing.

Ya see, I'm not a morning person. I like to stay up late and sleep in. That's just how I've always been. But what I found was that I actually do like mornings, I just don't like the hustle and bustle of having to rush somewhere I'd rather not be rushing to. And since my shift at my new job doesn't start until 1PM, I've really come to love and utilize my mornings.

Some days, like today, are more about business. I've already started a load of laundry, did a load of dishes, prepped my chicken for lunch and organized by desk--all by 7am. And now I'm writing a blog post because I've been putting it off for almost three months and I really need to stop doing that and just write.

Other days are more relaxed. I'll have a cup of coffee, play around on my guitar, read a little or maybe catch up on some Netflix (currently rewatching How I Met Your Mother and Criminal Minds). I'll go for a walk or paint my nails or just simply, be.

Sometimes I get my hopes up. Sometimes I think mundane events will lead to wonderful and magical experiences. And all too often, they don't. But I'm hopeful and optimistic and I believe there is so much more good in this world than we'll ever come to realize. And noticing those moments of goodness is crucial to our overall happiness. Every single day may not be a grand celebration with confetti and balloons and your favorite beer on tap for free (although a girl can dream, right?). But everyday DOES have a chance to show you it's worth.

Whether it's a smile from an old lady at the post office or a young man at the grocery store holding the door open for you or a funny Snap from an old friend, there is goodness in everyday. There is potential for better tomorrows. And there is hope that we can leave this place a little brighter than when we found it.

Find your happiness and spread it like wildfire.

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