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  • Coral

Do Your Best To Make It Happen

It's funny how a fortune cookie can change your whole day.

And it's funny how walking down one path can lead you to so many others.

As I began another day in the life of a struggling twenty-something in twenty-sixteen, I came across an opportunity that may change my entire life FOR-EV-ER.

Probs not, but ya never know, right?! #neversaynever #beiberfever

I was searching for jobs and updating my resume and hating every word I typed because updating and editing your resume is like trying to make the perfect over-easy egg. [I tried coming up with an example to support this metaphor, but alas, I cannot. So just go with it, okay?] As I was looking for another word for 'committed' I got another cup of coffee. I used my new French press for the second time and I gotta tell ya, taking a few extra minutes to slow down and make an actual decent cup of Joe is an exquisite way to start the day.

My roommate had just left which meant I had the freedom to sing. And walk around naked, of course. Although, I only did the first one...this time.

Before I began this private one woman show, I read an article about how they're making a High School Musical 4 and which led me to the recent 10 year reunion of the original cast (minus Troy Bolton, go fig). And I was like 'UGHHHHH I WANNA BE IN A MUSICAL'. And then I was like fuck it, I will be then.

So I am.

Well, hopefully!

I checked to see if there were any auditions at the theatre here in town, but alas there were not. the next town over THERE ARE. And it's AMAZING and I'm kind of sort of TOTALLY LOSING MY SHIT!!!!!

It's called Picasso at the Lapin Agile and it's by Steven Martin and it looks fucking hilarious (I just wanted to bold fucking). And I kind of think I'm gonna kick ass in it!!--if I'm cast, of course. One of the female characters is Suzanne, "a young woman who is street smart, leaves broken hearts in her wake" and the other is "a young woman looking for love". And there's another character called 'a visitor' and is "a person of the future who is a hip, swinging singer".

How awesome right?! I'm so excited and it feels amazing. Amazing to be looking forward to something. Amazing to follow a passion and a dream and to just do something you love. Just because it doesn't come with a paycheck doesn't mean it doesn't hold value.

Doing more of what you love is a crucial part of life and I don't want to have to try so hard to make it a priority. I just want to do my best to make. it. happen.


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